Red Lodge

Breakfast in Red Lodge, Mt.

Breakfast in Red Lodge, Mt.

Red Lodge definitely has that small town Montana mountain feeling. It started snowing as the sun was rising and I got this portrait of "Wild Bill" that had the same feel as the morning in the little diner so I thought I would share it.

Red Lodge Maternity Session

Red Lodge Maternity Session

Last weekend we headed up to beautiful Red Lodge, one of my favorite areas in Montana, for a Maternity session. Sarah and Brock live in Bozeman and haven't spent much time in the Red Lodge area so they decided to make a mini vaca out of it and stayed in Red Lodge over night. In the late afternoon, we headed to Wild Bill Lake just outside of Red Lodge to create some photos.

The photos turned out stunning! 

Solar Eclipse in Red Lodge Montana.

Solar Eclipse in Red Lodge Montana.

Last Monday was the solar eclipse so Alex and I headed up the Beartooth Pass just outside Red Lodge to view it. In Red Lodge the eclipse had about 90% coverage and happened around 11:30. We headed up the Beartoot and hiked off the road a little bit to find a place to set up camp, have a picnic and chill until the eclipse.